June 26, 2009

A brief walk into New Kingston

This morning, Tatiana, Soraya and I set out on foot to New Kingston to run some errands. The main strip is about a fifteen minute walk from our house. I wanted them to come with me so that they wouldn’t be stuck to the TV all morning, and because I prefer to walk around Kingston with company, even if my company is 8-year old twin girls who complain about walking and the heat.

The sun was blazing, but we managed to go to the bank, the cell phone store and the bookstore before taking a break at Juici Patti. They have the most delicious conch soup – nice and spicy and full of flavor. They also have these cool fish tanks in between the booths that the girls like to look at. Tatiana got a beef patty; Soraya had red pea soup with coco bread, and I ate conch soup. After lunch, we only needed CD’s so I could burn my interview recordings onto them. We finally found them in the pharmacy and made our way home.

When we got home, I realized the cashier at the pharmacy had given me DVD-Roms instead of CD-Roms, and I don’t have a DVD writer. I was not looking forward to going back out into the hot sun. So, I took a nap first, and then set back out, alone this time.

I made it to the store, got my CD’s and a few other things. On the way back home, a man began trying to get my attention. I pretended not to hear him shout “Hey Baby!” After all, I am not a baby. When he was too close for me to ignore, I turned around and strategically flashed my wedding ring in his face. He said, “oh, but can we be friends?”I thanked him for the offer and kept on my way. That incident wasn’t that bad, but I still prefer the kind smiles of strangers directed at my children than the cat-calls directed at me. I am glad to have my family with me during this research trip. Being here in Kingston alone would not be the same.

Back at the house, a dip in the swimming pool was the perfect treat after walking in that heat. Tatiana and Soraya were still in the pool, and we did some laps together.

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